[00:04] For the maritime industry, for all of us, this is more than a moment of change. It's a time of transformation.
[00:14] Never have the decisions we face been so complex, nor have their consequences ever mattered more. The maritime industry is uniting behind the common goal of a carbon neutral tomorrow to get there. Decisions from vessel design to fuel choice need to be made to today. You are not facing these challenges alone.
[00:43] Cross sector, regulatory and international collaboration will enable us to shape a brighter future. A flexible fuel approach will be the solution.
[00:55] An open mind will be key and a joint understanding of what matters most. It's not just about ensuring future compliance or competitiveness.
[01:09] It's bigger than that. It's About shaping the future for our industry, for the people we care for, for the world we live in as the trusted voice to tackle global transformations. D N V is here to provide practical solutions and advice to help you solve the grand challenge of our time.
[01:39] Inspired and informed by our expertise, you'll be empowered to make smarter business decisions. Together we can turn uncertainty into confidence.