Qhumairah - Marine Surveyor
Hear from Qhumairah about how the encouraging environment and supportive colleagues at DNV help her grow professionally.
Meet Qhumairah
Hi, I am Qhumairah. I have been in DNV for over a year and I'm a marine surveyor stationed in the Singapore office. So what Marine surveyors do - we carry out inspections on board ships. A typical day would be us on board vessels, carrying out inspections on the deck, the engine room, the navigational bridge. DNV's purpose of safeguarding life, property and environment resonates with me as every day when I'm at work, we prioritize safety and also protecting the environment. What I like about my job is the dynamic schedule that I involved in. So apart from doing the desk-bound jobs, it also allows me to be outdoors, and that is something that I love. I think every day there's always something to learn, and being a Marine Surveyor you will always face situations that are unpredictable. So I think that is a huge part of why I find this job interesting. And I feel that the people in DNV are really willing to teach. For example, when I attend my jobs with lead surveyors, they are always very willing to share their knowledge and experience with me. In the Survey Department, we are signed to different team leaders, and what I love is that my team leader constantly checks with us if we are doing all right, and if there are issues for us to raise, and he would be very willing to address our concerns. The culture in DNV is very encouraging and allows me to expand my mind. So that makes me me proud of working for DNV.