Consultant Congestion Management

Arnhem, Netherlands
Energy Systems
Position type:
Full Time
Job ID:


About us

We are the independent expert in assurance and risk management. Driven by our purpose, to safeguard life, property, and the environment, we empower our customers and their stakeholders with facts and reliable insights so that critical decisions can be made with confidence.

As a trusted voice for many of the world’s most successful organizations, we use our knowledge to advance safety and performance, set industry benchmarks, and inspire and invent solutions to tackle global transformations.

About the role

Wil jij het verschil maken in de energietransitie van onze klanten? Ben jij een consultant die op zoek is naar een nieuwe uitdaging? Wil jij de klanten van DNV ondersteunen bij het verminderen en oplossen van congesties in elektriciteitsnetten? Dan hebben wij een uitdagende baan voor jou.

Als Congestion Management Consultant treed je op als de vertrouwde adviseur van onze klanten en ondersteun je hen met oplossingen om hun systeemprestaties te optimaliseren, gekoppeld aan hun zakelijke drijfveren en topprioriteiten. Congestiemanagement is een topprioriteit van de Nederlandse nutsbedrijven. We zien een vergelijkbare prioriteitsstelling in onze omringende landen en in andere regio's in de wereld. Als consultant maak je deel uit van een team van professionals, elk met hun eigen specifieke verantwoordelijkheden voor verkoop, management en oplevering van projecten. Je analyseert, adviseert en ondersteunt klanten bij het beheren en versnellen van netuitbreiding en -versterking, aansluiting van nieuwe hernieuwbare energiebronnen en klanten binnen de doelstellingen van hun bedrijfswaarden. Het begrijpen van de markt waarin we actief zijn, het leveren van content van hoge kwaliteit en het handelen met professionele integriteit zijn belangrijke kenmerken van een Congestion Management Consultant binnen ons team.

Je hebt:

  • een streven om inzicht te krijgen in de bedrijfsprocessen van elektriciteitsbedrijven met betrekking tot het aansluiten van klanten, het aansluiten van hernieuwbare energiebronnen en het faciliteren van optimaal gebruik van niet-fossiele energiebronnen, netuitbreiding en -versterking;
  • affiniteit met de energietransitie en digitalisering.

Als consultant binnen ons team ga je:

  • projecten en opdrachten leiden en opleveren met betrekking tot:
    • congestie, congestiebeheer op de verschillende spanningsniveaus in elektriciteitsnetten voor distributie- en transmissiebedrijven;
    • verbeteringen van bedrijfsprocessen, bijvoorbeeld gericht op het verbeteren van prestaties, compliance en verantwoording, het optimaliseren van onderhouds-, vervangings- en investeringsstrategieën, het prioriteren van investeringen in relatie tot congestie en het verminderen van risico's en/of kosten.
  • Uitvoeren van netcongestieanalyse;
  • deelnemen aan klantopdrachten, werken in klantprojectteams bij klanten op klantlocaties om de toenemende behoefte aan netinvesteringen aan te pakken: netuitbreiding/-versterking en nieuwe aansluitingen om de energietransitie te faciliteren;
  • begeleiding en ondersteuning bieden aan nieuwe teamleden met een focus op het omgaan met capaciteitsbeperkingen in elektriciteitsnetten;
  • ondersteunen van business development door feedback te geven aan lijnmanagement, key account & business development managers;
  • reis nationaal en bij gelegenheid internationaal.

English below

Company & Business Area Description

DNV is an independent expert in energy, assurance, and risk management, operating with 12.000 employees in more than 100 countries. Through our broad experience and deep expertise, we advance safety and sustainable performance, set industry benchmarks, and inspire and invent solutions. With 4.000 Energy experts, we take a leading role in the Energy Transition of our clients.

We assure the entire energy value chain through our advisory, monitoring, verification, and certification services. As the world's leading resource of independent energy experts and technical advisors, we help industries and governments navigate the many complex and interrelated transitions taking place globally and regionally in the energy industry. We are committed to realizing the goals of the Paris Agreement and supporting all stakeholders to transition faster to a deeply decarbonized energy system.

Local Unit & Position Description

Do you want to make a difference in the Energy Transition of our clients? Are you a consultant who is looking for a new challenge? Do you want to support DNV’s clients to reduce and solve congestion in power grids? Then we have the job for you.

As a Congestion Management Consultant, you will act as the trusted advisor of our clients and support them with solutions to optimize their system performance linked to their business drivers and top priorities. Congestion management is a top priority of the Dutch utilities. We observe similar priority setting in our surrounding countries and in other regions of the world. As a consultant, you will be part of a team of professionals, each having their own specific responsibilities for sales, management, and delivery of projects. You will analyze, advise and support clients on how to manage and speed up grid expansion and reinforcement, connection of new renewable energy sources and customers within the targets of their business values. Understanding the market we operate in, delivering high-quality content, and acting with professional integrity are key characteristics of a Congestion Management Consultant within our team.

You have:

  • a drive to understand electrical utility business processes related to connecting customers, connecting renewable energy sources and facilitating optimal use of non-fossil fuel power sources, grid expansion and reinforcement;
  • affinity with the Energy Transition, and digitalization.

As a consultant within our team, you will:

  • lead and deliver projects and assignments related to:
    • congestion, congestion management at the various voltage levels in power grids for distribution and transmission utilities;
    • business process improvements, for example, aiming to improve performance, compliance and accountability, optimize maintenance, replacement and investment strategies, prioritization of investment concerning congestion and reduce risk and/or costs.
  • Perform grid congestion analysis
  • participate in customer assignments, work in customer project teams at customer sites to tackle the increasing need for grid investments: grid expansion/reinforcement and new connections to facilitate the Energy Transition;
  • provide guidance and support to new team members with a focus on handling power flow constraints in grids;
  • support business development by providing feedback to line management, key account & business development managers;
  • travel nationally and by occasion internationally.

About you

We zijn op zoek naar enthousiaste teamspelers die zowel de technische gevolgen van een zakelijke beslissing als de zakelijke gevolgen van een technische beslissing begrijpen, die goede relaties met onze klanten kunnen ontwikkelen en onderhouden. Nieuwsgierigheid, flexibiliteit, betrokkenheid en verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor je taken en je ontwikkeling staan centraal in de functie.

Andere kwalificaties zijn onder meer:

  • bachelor in Elektrotechniek;
  • basiskennis van netmodellering en het uitvoeren van studies en analyses van elektriciteitssystemen. Ervaring met Vision Network Analysis, DigSilent PowerFactory of andere vergelijkbare softwaretools is een pré.
  • weten hoe risico's moeten worden beoordeeld en beheerd en inzicht hebben in kapitaalinvesteringsprojecten in elektriciteitsbedrijven en/of grote industrieën;
  • inzicht in de impact van de energietransitie op elektriciteitsnetten en het vermogen om ideeën te genereren, mogelijke oplossingen voor het omgaan met congestie in verschillende lagen van het elektriciteitsnet;
  • probleemoplossend vermogen en affiniteit met digitalisering en datamanagement;
  • sterke analyse- en rapportagevaardigheden. Je kunt duidelijke en kwalitatief hoogwaardige rapportages en besluitvormingsdocumenten schrijven;
  • streven naar de ontwikkeling van een professioneel netwerk in de energiesector;
  • uitstekende Engelse en bij voorkeur ook uitstekende Nederlandse communicatieve vaardigheden;
  • Klantgerichtheid als tweede natuur.

Je thuiskantoor bevindt zich in Arnhem, Nederland.

English below

Position Qualifications

We are looking for enthusiastic team players who understand the technical consequences of a business decision as well as the business consequences of a technical decision, and who can develop and maintain good relations with our clients. Curiosity, flexibility, engagement and taking responsibility for your tasks and development are key for the position.

Other qualifications include:

  • bachelor in Electrical Engineering;
  • basic knowledge of grid modelling and performing power system studies and analysis. Experience with Vision Network Analysis, DigSilent PowerFactory or other similar software tools, is an advantage.
  • knowing how to assess and manage risks and understanding of capital investment projects in electricity utilities and/or large industries;
  • understanding the impact of the Energy Transition on power grids and the ability to generate ideas, and potential solutions in dealing with congestion in different layers of the power grid;
  • problem-solving capabilities and affinity with digitalization and data management;
  • strong analysis and reporting skills. You can write clear and high-quality reports and decision-making documents;
  • drive to develop a professional network in the energy industry;
  • excellent English and preferably also excellent Dutch communication skills;
  • customer focus as your second nature.

Your home office will be in Arnhem, the Netherlands.


Profit Share

You’ll be part of our global profit share scheme that means we all share in our success as a business. If we profit, so do you. This will be part of our Total Compensation approach each year and depends on our year-end results.


Taking care of you with travel, life, and accident insurance.

Pension Schemes

We care about your long-term financial security and prioritize pension and retirement benefits to reflect our caring values.

Professional Development

We believe in the 70/20/10 learning model, where 70% of your learning comes from performing your everyday tasks and working on different projects, new areas and initiatives to gain new skills. 20% from working with others and mentoring and the rest from formal education.

Hybrid Working

Adapting to the changing world of work around the world.

Purpose-led organization

You become part of a world-leading company where we know and live our purpose; to safeguard life, property, and the environment, with the opportunity to tackle global change through your work.

Supportive and caring culture

We offer opportunities to connect through social and professional networks. Our largest community CONNECT, organizes after-work events and informal meetings throughout the year.

Attractive rewards

We focus on work/life balance and offer employees flexible working hours and workplace, annual vacation allowance, competitive pension, insurance, and a global profit share scheme.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

At DNV, our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is not only an ethical choice, but also a business decision.

Diversity, fairness, and a sense of belonging are a source of strength for our people, our business, and our customers, and help us to deliver on our purpose, vision, and values.

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Working here

Since 1864 we’ve been dedicated to safeguarding life, property and the environment. Today we remain at the forefront of new technologies and techniques to help our customers transform for a more sustainable future.

At DNV you can expect to deliver career and industry defining work. You’ll be given the time to build your network, the resources to support your development, and the freedom to satisfy your curiosity and desire to learn.

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