Elisa - Surveyor

Discover how Newbuilding Surveyor Elisa kickstarted her career and grew professionally in her first year at DNV. 

The Story

Navigating My Career in Marine Engineering at DNV.

“What surprised me the most during my journey with DNV was the unwavering support and camaraderie among my colleagues.” 

When I began my journey at DNV, I was amazed by how supportive and collaborative my colleagues were. Their willingness to assist, share their experiences, and work together has been invaluable to my professional growth. This environment has given me the confidence to navigate the complex process of building a cruise vessel. 

I joined DNV as an intern while completing my master’s degree in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture. Starting in the Venice office, I participated in training courses and gradually transitioned to accompanying my colleagues on surveys. My internship not only honed my technical skills but also allowed me to explore methanol as an alternative fuel for ships, which became the basis of my master’s thesis. Upon completing my degree, I transitioned into a full-time role, marking the beginning of my career at DNV. 

The Importance of Soft Skills 

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is the significance of soft skills in my role as a surveyor. Daily interactions with shipyard owners and their representatives present unique challenges, especially as a young, newly graduated surveyor. Balancing the needs of the owner while maintaining a positive relationship with the shipyard—without compromising on quality—requires effective communication. It’s a delicate balance between technical expertise and interpersonal skills, something I’m continuously refining. 

A Culture of Collaboration and Inclusivity 

At DNV, collaboration isn’t just encouraged—it’s a part of our daily work. The strong sense of unity and shared purpose helps us overcome challenges together. Whether working with local teams or engaging with colleagues globally, the open culture here ensures that everyone feels supported and valued. 

Advice for New Colleagues 

For anyone joining DNV, I would say embrace every opportunity for growth. Step out of your comfort zone, and always be ready to collaborate and communicate openly. Your contributions matter, and with the support of your colleagues, you can achieve great things.